Ready for an awesome marathon? How about running your next 26.2 mile race inside Gillette Stadium, home to the New England Patriots? This is the first marathon of its kind and you can find out about it here! This could be a great experience for any football fan for sure!

Similar to the Fenway Park Marathon last year, Boston again is playing host to a marathon that will take place in an iconic sports arena – Gillette Stadium! This is the home of the New England Patriots and those that sign up will be able to run 26.2 miles inside that stadium. If you are a Patriot fan, or even a football fan, this should sound like a unique experience! And it is! 

Run an Awesome Marathon in the New England Patriots Stadium


  • Date: September 28, 2018
  • Time: 5:00PM
  • Cost: $5,000 fundraising commitment (you do not have to pay that, it is the amount you must raise)
  • Distance: 26.2 miles (yes, that is the actual marathon distance – there is no such thing as a “5K marathon”!  )

The Money and Charity

Yes, the amount of money you must raise (or pay the difference of) is large but actually not more (or much more) than what charities require from those runners who run the Boston Marathon with a charity bib. If you have a good network of friends and others who want sponsor you for this, you have a great chance to get a once-in-a-lifetime experience while doing some good at the same time. The funds will go to help the homeless in the Boston area through the New England Patriots foundation.

Please note that you must fill out the application (which is rather long) and you will then need to wait to see if you are selected for one of the limited amount of spots for this marathon. It would seem that the organizers are definitely making this a play for charity and want to see how the various entrants will be able to get the word out.

The Marathon Itself

This marathon is a Boston-qualifier, in fact, the only Boston qualifier that takes place inside of a NFL stadium! I have to say, I am not really a Pats fan (my brother is the big Pats fan), but if I was able to raise that amount, I would definitely sign up for this! It would really be a great experience!

The organizers say this, “During the event, runners will be treated to live performances and music, appearances by Patriots alumni and cheerleaders, and other entertainment throughout the evening. Spectators will be able to cheer on runners from the Optum Field Lounge, an indoor and outdoor hospitality space located on field level in the south end zone.”

If you do sign-up for this, go ahead and leave your fundraising link in the comments so that other readers who may wish to help can know where to find you!