Superhero Events, DMSE Sports (headed by Dave McGillivray), and HAWI Management (headed by Merhawi Keflezighi, Meb's brother) have joined forces to create the USA Half Marathon Invitational, which will debut November 21, 2015, in San Diego, California. The event will be open to time qualifiers only and will feature prize money for five-year age groups for ages 15 to 75+.
The event’s qualifying times are graded based on age and gender. To gain entry into the sub-elite division, the division eligible for prize money, a male in the 15–29 age group must run 1:10 for a half marathon or faster, but the standard for the competitive division is significantly slower at 1:45. A woman in the 15–29 age group would need to run 1:20 or faster to be considered sub-elite, and 1:55 or faster to gain entry into the competitive division. Nwadike expects that the event’s qualifying times will become more strict in future years, as the demand for participation increases.
The prize money for the top three men and women overall is $3000/$2000/$1000, while the top three in each age group will earn $300/$200/$100.